Press up with one leg lifted of ground

Day 10 and 11 30-Day Push Up Challenge

Days 10 and 11 updates have been combined. I missed posting for day 10 and I didn’t have a lot to report either.

This link will take you to the self imposed rules of my 30-day push up challenge, and this link will take you back to the results of day 9 of the challenge

Day 10 and 11 Figures

Day 10 Progress

Better, but still sluggish, start to the day. It is clear that this challenge is as much mental as it is physical. That should not be a surprise I guess.

3 sets of 30 is much more what I expected to be doing. Getting there has been more painful and challenging than expected.

Can you believe I forgot to do the last set. Just on my way to bed when I realised. There is a distinct case for putting today’s fourth session under tomorrow’s total. Fortunately, it doesn’t make any difference to the overall challenge.

Exercising just before bedtime is not usually great for a good night’s sleep. Sex used to be the exception.

Day 11 Progress

By day 11 I would expect to start accelerating. All the minor aches and pains should be resolved. My body should be adjusting itself to the new demands of regular exercise. Sadly that only seems to be partially happening.

Playing golf got in the way. The golf itself was OK. Beat par but far too many mistakes. There are just not many chances to drop and do a set of push ups while walking around a golf course. Having a couple of beers after the round does not add to the allure of doing a couple of sets of push ups either.

The set at 7:13 required as much or more commitment as any other previous set. They could be really important if I am to make my stretch target. Right now – just 55 completed for the day – I need to average 128 per day to hit stretch. That’s a big step up as the current daily average is 106