Tabata on Cross Trainer

Characteristics of Good Tabata Exercises – This is Why Most Tabata on YouTube is Useless

In Tabata each 20 seconds of exercise must be done to your absolute capacity each and every time.  Good Tabata exercises satisfy 2 basic criteria:

  1. They engage the whole body
  2. They are capable of being performed repeatedly at maximal capacity.

Good examples include:

  • Sprinting

    Usain Bolt - Sprint Training
    Usain Bolt – Sprint Training – Pulling the Sled Ensures Maximum Effort is Demanded
  • Rowing (machine or water)

    Tabata - Concept 2 Rower
    Tabata – Concept 2 Rower
  • Cycling (static or spinning)

    Tabata Cycle Training
    Tabata Cycle Training
  • Cross-trainer

    Tabata on Cross Trainer
    Tabata on Cross Trainer – Blurring is From The Effort Applied
  • Squat thrust

These are not the only options.  Trouble is that most of the exercises shown on YouTube are useless for Tabata.

Remember – whatever exercise you use it must engage the whole body and you must be able to repeat it 8 times at maximal effort.

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