
Incredible Strength

Awesome Physical Strength We confess – this video is not directly related to HIIT.  What it does do is show the incredible conditioning and strength of these athletes. Chris Luera – Tatted Strength and Kenneth Gallarzon – Progressive Callisthenics Chances are that you will never have seen push-ups like these. This is not too shabby …

Incredible Strength Read More »

Runners Track Race

Getting Started With High Intensity Interval Training for Runners

One of the things we often comment on is that there is no hard and fast definition of High Intensity Interval Training.  Tabata is certainly the most tightly defined protocol.  The success of Tabata Training in improving the performance of Olympic Speed Skaters led to it being dubbed the 4 minute miracle. There is absolutely …

Getting Started With High Intensity Interval Training for Runners Read More »

We Are Really Serious About Fitness. It’s Just That These Clips Are Hilarious

You can’t have looked at any of the rest of the without realizing that we are really serious about fitness and exercise.  For instance, we are always going on about how most fitness gurus don’t have a clue about HIIT or Tabata.  They are just rebadging their old, ‘Me Too’ workouts and calling them …

We Are Really Serious About Fitness. It’s Just That These Clips Are Hilarious Read More »

American College of Sports Medicine – Basics of HIIT.

HIIT is Getting Enormous Internet Attention But Is It Any Good?  The American College of Sports Medicine Seems to Think So. If you search for any fitness related material on the internet you are certain to find references to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).  You are also likely to see some pretty extravagant claims: “Get …

American College of Sports Medicine – Basics of HIIT. Read More »

It’s HIIT, Uses Interesting Exercises and Claims to be Tabata. What Do You Think?

What I like about his video: It provides some exercise variants that are suitable for people at a range of fitness levels The instructor states that this is a ‘Tabata Style’ workout It starts with a clear warm-up period.  Interestingly, the warm-up exercises also follow the Tabata 20s effort 10s rest pattern. In general I …

It’s HIIT, Uses Interesting Exercises and Claims to be Tabata. What Do You Think? Read More »