HIIT Spinning

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

If you are anything like I was just a few short years ago you probably still have some doubts about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and whether it can help you. That’s no surprise – you only need to do a quick search on the internet and you will see dozens of headlines like these:

“Get ripped in 30 minutes per week”

“Fat Free – in just 3 ten minute sessions per week”

“Get the six pack you have always wanted in just 3 short training sessions a week”

“Burn up to 9x more fat and calories than with traditional cardio

Sounds brilliant – but is it true?

The answer is, as usual, mixed.

This site wouldn’t have been created if we weren’t 100% convinced on the benefits HIIT can deliver.

We have personally reviewed the literature and scientific studies to get behind the hype to help you understand what HIIT is and how it can work for you.

What is High Intensity Interval Training?

HIIT is a training protocol alternating short periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercise with brief recovery periods until the point of exhaustion, which thereby relies on “the anaerobic energy releasing system almost maximally


Within that definition there are hundreds of exercise protocols that fit. Some, as we will discuss in subsequent articles, are of dubious benefit and are probably not HIIT.

Others, like Tabata, are strongly structured, based on sound scientific and imperial evidence and have become trade names for products and services.

Key messages – high intensity – absolutely maximal exertion. Short durations – some protocols relie on as little as one minute per day. Tabata works on 8 cycles of 20seconds maximal exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. All 8 cycles should be complete in just 4 minutes.

Here’s What HIIT Can Do For You

So here’s what we absolutely know HIIT can do for you:

  • Rapid results – measurable results can be achieved very quickly (you will feel the effects within days) and with far less effort than with traditional training methods. By measurable we mean:
    • Fat Loss
    • Improved cardio – Improved VO2 uptake
    • Muscle building/toning
    • Increased speed and agility
  • HIIT can (should) be used alongside other exercise plans
  • You will feel good – I promise.

Why is the Answer on HIIT Mixed?

So far so good.  Why is the answer is mixed?

Well one of the things you don’t see mentioned much is just what ‘High Intensity’ really means. It is not just your usual aerobics or circuit training class done a bit harder. For HIIT to work you absolutely must work to your maximum capabilities all the time. A high intensity sprint for 20 seconds means you sprint, flat-out for 20 seconds. If you are doing squat thrusts you do as many as you possibly can for the whole period – no excuses, no exceptions.

HIIT is Tough

Have no doubts – HIIT, done properly, is tough (so do read our medial disclaimer). But here lies some good news. Only you know your maximum capability. There is no need to measure heart beat (in fact we will show you why this is pretty pointless for most HIIT exercises). It is not about how many or how fast you can go compared to someone else. It is all down to you, performing to your maximum. And only you know what that is.

Here’s a 30-day HIIT like Push-Up Challenge (it isn’t truly HIIT) challenge.  The thing is, if you can’t commit to a challenge like this one there is no point in you embarking on full-blown HIIT training.

Push Up in plank position
Push Up in plank position

How to Use This Site

The HIIT Workout Formula is going to bring you all the best in HIIT.  We will feature videos and articles from the top gurus and provide you with a complete review of the efficiency/effectiveness of each technique based on our review of best practice and the scientific guidelines.

You can see our articles here.