Four Extraordinary HIIT Exercise Candidates!

Finding good HIIT exercises can be pretty difficult.  Good HIIT exercises satisfy 3 basic criteria:

  1. They engage the whole body
  2. They are capable of being performed repeatedly at near maximal capacity
  3. They don’t carry undue risk of injury

The video below shows lots of people doing incredibly things with their bodies.  It is worth watching just for fun.  What caught our eye were 4 eye watering HIIT exercise candidates (all certainly fail criteria 3 above).

Between 00:12 and 00:15 we have the amazing overhead bar press

Overhead Bar Press - Feed Shoulder Width Apart - Yeah Sure.
Overhead Bar Press – Feed Shoulder Width Apart – Yeah Sure.

Between 00:41 and 00:48 we have the amazing spiral stair climb – without the stairs!

Spiral Stair Climb - without the stairs
Spiral Stair Climb – without the stairs

Making a very quick appearence right after the Spiral Stair Climb from 00:58 – 1:00 is the most astounding plyo-push-up you will ever see

Plyo Push Up
Plyo Push Up

Finally, appearing at 3:16 is possibly the best (seriously) HIIT exercise I have ever seen.  Not only does it require strength and cardio capacity but also skill and timing.

Best HIIT Exercise Ever
Best HIIT Exercise Ever – You Need to See the Video


We are in awe of the skill and the courage of all the people in the video – not just those giving us ideas for HITT.  Take a look and let us know what you think.

Images and Video are from the ‘People are Awesome’ YouTube channel.

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