Another day – achieved target. Another day – more aches and pains
Day 8 Figures
Day 8 – Progress
Once again, the first set of the day feel like a real challenge. There is a distinct lack of energy and enthusiasm. More than that, I don’t seem to have the strength to do more than about 20.
This link will take you to the weird logic of my 30-day push up challenge, and this link will take you back to the results of day7 of the challenge
Taking stock of the effects on the body – pectorals are now only sore if I prod them or do some deep massage.
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Tops of shoulders feel tense and ache a little. Now using the massager here too. The slight difficulty can be getting into a position where you can use the massager on your own shoulders. Buddying up is called for.
All of the left tricep is a little sore but there have been no repercussions from the slight strain experienced on day 2. I think the percussion massager has done a really good job. It seems my wife and I now spend some quite regular time using the massager on all sorts of muscle and tendon pains.
There is a bit of tenderness in my right rotator cuff muscles – primarily the deltoid (comes over the shoulder and down the outside of the top of the arm).
All in all, the body is in good nick. You might not thinks so from the time I spend mentioning the aches and pains I feel. In fact, I am really pleased with the various aches and pains I am experiencing. At the very least they show the range of muscles that are being exercised. This is not just about exercising the arms. All the aches and pains show that much more of the body is being exercised
Played squash last night which got in the way of completing press ups. It would be good to not do a set at 11pm each night
Last update on 2025-03-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API